Fun Facts About The Blues Brothers Movie

Although The Blues Brothers movie was released over 38 years ago, it has remained a cult classic throughout the world. In an online poll conducted by The State Journal-Register, Illinois Bicentennial Committee, and Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum as part of the Illinois Bicentennial celebration, voters chose The Blues Brothers as the top movie in Illinois history. Despite opening to mixed reviews, the film has grossed over $115 million worldwide. Here are some fun facts about this cult classic. · The original draft of the screenplay written by Dan Aykroyd was 324 pages, which was three times longer than the standard screenplay. To soften the impact, Aykroyd made a joke of the thick script and had it bound with the cover of the Los Angles Yellow Pages directory when he turned it into producer Robert K. Weiss. Director John Landis was given the task of editing the script into a usab...