Got a Minute? Then Big Teeth Small Shorts Film Festival is for You

Throughout history, storytellers have been a valued member of a community. Whether passing down traditional stories over a winter fire in a tribal wigwam, creating a fictional world on the written page, or translating a story to a video format, storytelling is a valued skill. But imagine being able to convincingly tell your story in under 60 seconds. Now that is a truly unique talent. On a cold evening in the backroom of a Ravenswood micro-brewery, attendees of the second quarterly live screening of the Big Teeth Small Shorts Film Festival were treated to a panoply of talented short form visual story tellers. The Big Teeth Small Shorts Film Festival is a quarterly showcase of great films from all over the world, each under five minutes in length. The festival has a mission to give emerging filmmakers a platform in a way that celebrates very short form storytelling. BTSSFF focuses exclusively on micro shorts (60 seconds or less) and smal...